Saturday, February 13, 2016

Sunday Stealing: OLOGY Meme

from The Archives

What is your least favorite salad dressing?

~ Probably Catalina

What is your least favorite fast food restaurant?

~ Wendy's

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?

~ Mexican Fiesta

On average, what would cause you to flirt with the server?

~ If he's sweet enough to do so

What food could you eat every day just to "get along"?

~ Pizza

What pizza toppings would make you hurl?

~ Anchovies (rubber salt!), green peppers, onion

What food is likely to get you "in the mood..."?

~ Chocolate lava cake (well, chocolate anything!), Rare beef wellington, Double cheese double mushroom pizza

What is your favorite type of gum to get off your shoe?

~ I don't like scraping ANY gum off my shoes!!

Number of contacts you'd never let your significant other see on your cell phone?

~ 0

Number of contacts in your email address book that are exes?

~ 1

Do you judge others about the wallpaper on their computer?

~ I don't judge them, but I certainly learn more about them!

What is your favorite technology from the past that is now obsolete?

~ I miss the sound of typewriters!

Do you have stuff on your computer that you'd never want someone to see?

~ Yes

Are you right-handed or left-handed?

~ Right

Do you like your smile?

~ Yes :)

What's your best feature?

~ My laugh

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?

~ Yes, when I broke my hip and had a surgery I lost an inch of height from my right leg

Which of your five senses do you think is keenest?

~ Sight

When was the last time you had a cavity?

~ Grade school

What is the heaviest item you lifted last?

~ My TV

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?

~ Nope

If you could, would you wanna know the day you were going to die?

~ Yes

Is love for real?

~ Yes, in many different versions

If you could change your first name, what would you change it to?

~ I'd take my middle name, Margaret

What color do you think looks best on you?

~ Green

Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?

~ Yes, when I was working as a presenter at Henry Ford Museum. A bug flew into my mouth as I was giving my spiel and rather than going nuts I calmly continued with the presentation! It was a tiny little thing, I don't think anyone noticed!

Have you ever saved someone's life?

~ Not that I know of

Has someone ever saved yours?

~ With as many times as I've been in the hospital throughout the past four years for various reasons, I'd have to say yes

Would you walk naked down a public street for $100,000?

~ Sure, if I got to choose the time and did it at 3:00 AM

Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?

~ Sure, if it was a quick smooch like kissing my mom or sister

Would you cut off one of your little fingers for $200,000?

~ Nope, too much pain

Would you never blog again for $50,000?

~ Yes, I'd turn more to my paper journals

Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?

~ Nope, unless it was for a rare, uncommon medical journal

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?

~ Sure!

Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000?

~ Absolutely!

What is in your left pocket?

~ Nothing

Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?

~ Mostly carpet, the bathroom is hard floor

Do you sit or stand in the shower?

~ Stand

Could you live with roommates?

~ I prefer my privacy, but I could if I had to

How many pairs of flip flops do you own?

~ 0, never liked flip flops!

Where were you born?

~ Detroit, Michigan

Last time you had a run-in with the cops?

~ Years

What do you want to be when you grow up?

~ Parapsychologist, Ghost Hunter

Friend you talked to?

~ My friend Kristy

Last person you called?

~ My sister

Person you hugged?

~ I really can't remember!


~ 239, I have no idea why, but it is!


~ I have soooo many! Soft baby blue, lavender, shades of green


~ Autumn

Missing someone?

~ Definitely


~ Bored

Listening to?

~ The TV


~ Ghost Adventures

Worrying about?

~ Finances

First place you went this morning?

~ To the bathroom!

What can you not wait to do?

~ Eat at my favorite restaurant again

What's the last movie you saw?

~ Star Wars: The Force Awakens

When was the last time you got caught cheating?

~ Can't remember ;)

Are you a sexy person?

~ At times!

Now that the survey's (or meme) done what are you going to do?

~ Watch more Ghost Adventures

~ Sunday Stealing


  1. A ghost hunter, eh? That's cool. I have seen ghosts, but never really wanted to hunt them.

  2. I have a shorter leg from an accident too. And 239 is a prime number, like my favorite one. We should meet up! Love that you'd be a ghost hunter. I'll look you up if I fly away before you. We can have a lot of fun.
